Sometimes, I'll told myself, don't be so serious. Maybe there has other path I should walk through. But I was the person who very obstinate, matter that had stuck in my mind, I wouldn't easy to let it go. So..."what should I do?" asked by myself. Answer of question always is SIGH.
Night, is nightmare for me. I don't realized has I wasted yesterday? Or shall I holding a hope for tomorrow? Had a quote 'Hope on Tomorrow' wrote by a Chinese author. But may this am I another disappointed day? Maybe I didn't put any effort on it OR I scare to face on abort. There have a plenty excuse I can found by myself. Is it I need? No, I just need a solution, a method can solve a problem and success...Ahhhh!!!
Phobia had been invaded me for a long time. How can I chase them away? Who can rescue me? Who can bring me out of the situation? Finally, I found out who the person can rescue and bring me out of the situation. The answer is MYSELF. Oh gosh, are you kidding? I so hover at the moment, and how could I rescue myself. Also, how can survive for an upcoming years I've no idea yet. 'Cause need to pass through this years is such a big trouble for me too. Feeling like I'm a troublemaker, useless, timid and so forth. Is I am an extra in the world? If I gone, world still turning , people focus on their life, nothing will be change except a matter that had change, I'm gone. So, what a big deal I shall kill myself? Therefore, I'll exist and work hard, stay hard, play hard and blah blah blah till the world end. Haha...Sorry for a non-sense I wrote. But, thanks for who care of me and had a same kind of feeling with.
